Cheaters will use this to gain a very unfair edge on the other players in combat. Some mods, such as desolation mod, modify the units recoil to create a more realistic effect. InfiSTAR anticheat blocks this so any server running it won’t need to worry about this. These are detected with anticheats and scripts.txt filters. These are the most basic cheats, the “No Recoil”, “Unlimited Ammo”, and “God Mode” type cheats. Memory cheats are more complicated and I will do another post covering those in the near future) (Warning: I am only going to be covering scripts in this post. So what kind of attacks do cheaters use on arma 3 servers? What are servers often vulnerable too? I am going to break this down into a few categories and cover each separately while providing a few examples directly from my own work. I will be responding to the suggestion posted by /u/otherworldlyBuffoon This post comes after I asked /r/ArmADev for suggestions and subsequently got down voted to hell for what, in my opinion, is a fair dislike towards me in the community.