
Clash of kings 2
Clash of kings 2

clash of kings 2 clash of kings 2

Game 5 - Abyssal Dwarfs - Eliminate - StephenĦ Lesser Obsydian Golems, Horde, Brew of Haste Cursed Pharaoh, Hero, Wings of Honeymaze Undead Army Standard, Hero, Banner of Griffin Revenant King on Undead Wyrm, Hero, Blade of Slashing Army Standard, Hero, Lute of Insatiable DarknessĦ Werewolves, Horde, Potion of the Caterpillar Dark Lord on Black Dragon, Hero, Brew of Hasteġ0 Dark Knights, Regiment, Potion of Caterpillar

clash of kings 2

Dragon Kindred Lord, Hero, Mace of CrushingĦ Drakon Riders, Horde, Potion of CaterpillarĤ0 Crossbowmen, Horde, Heart-seeking Chant Army Standard, Hero, Banner of the Griffin Mage, Hero, Bane Chant(2), Fireball (10), Inspiring Talisman 10 Mounted Sons of Korgaan, Regiment, Headstrong, Fury - Herja the FallenĤ0 Kindred Archers, Horde, Heart-Seaking Chant

Clash of kings 2